This project is a lens into my experience and creative spirit, from the collaged form to the curated content. It draws influence from a set of wide ranging artistic heroes, including Tacita Dean, Sol LeWitt, Knoll Design, and Maya Lin, as well as incorporates them into the collage itself. In this sense, they have both deeply impacted me with their work, and become fodder for the creation of my own, as I build upon the foundation they have set forth.
The incorporation of video projection and animation emerged out of a desire to show the artistic process: how each step was taken to create the patchwork of a whole, including my personal history as well as a shared artistic one. The piece is completed (to live on ad infinitum) when the icons have all clicked into place, timed by the final puzzle piece rotating in the background.
Lately, much of my work has revolved around the "Tome" and the written word, using text as both visual and intellectual inspiration; a motif perhaps instigated by my return to academia. This project illuminates the tension line between the highly technological paint brush (the projection) and the deeply analogue canvas (the page) by inviting the reader to flip the pages and peruse the text, thus adding to the creation and life of the piece.
Click here to take a deeper look at the influences of this project.
Self Portrait, 2016